The amazing adventures of Doug Hughes

I decided tonight to upgrade my development environment to run on the latest and greatest ColdFusion 8. After diligently backing up all the settings from my various ColdFusion instances and uninstalling all my various versions of ColdFusion I started installing CF 8.

The installation went without mostly without a hitch. The thing is that I decided to change where ColdFusion 8 installs the CFIDE directory by default. Why? I’m going to follow Jeff’s instructions on installing ColdFusion 8 and 7 simultaneously in JRun.

Unfortunately, changing the CFIDE installation directory seems to cause problems in ColdFusion 8. After the installation was completed the installer directed me to complete the installation by pulling up the ColdFusion administrator. This failed with the error: Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface

Googling this returned only one message on the Adobe forums which didn’t address the problem. Luckily I knew about the #coldfusion channel on the Dalnet IRC network. Much to my surprise, Scott Pinkston was there with the answer.

Apparently the ColdFusion 8 installer has a bug where if you change the CFIDE directory from its default it won’t set the correct path in a rather important ColdFusion configuration file.

To fix the issue you need to find the neo-runtime.xml file in your installation. Mine was located under C:JRun4servers{servername}cfusion-earcfusion-warWEB-INFcfusionlib. I don’t know where this would be in the stand-alone server.

Anyhow, edit that file in a text editor (back it up first!) and look for this node:

<var name='/CFIDE'>

That’s what mine was set to by default, which was incorrect. I had to change the path in the &lt;string&gt; tags to the correct path.

After making that change I restarted ColdFusion and I was able to reach the administration interface and complete the installation.

Comments on: "ColdFusion 8 Post Install Error: Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface" (32)

  1. i have the same error but the node isnt present in that xml. i’ve added it anyways and restarted but that didnt help. anybody with another solution?


  2. nevermind, was wrong mapping with apache


  3. John Moore said:

    Thanks for the hints. On a linux install, was getting this message with the server root mapped to ~whatever/CFIDE. Actually, the app wants the server root mapped to ~whatever, so the URL is “http://whatever/CFIDE” Now it works.

    DocumentRoot /www/servers/Foo/www/

    DocumentRoot /www/servers/Foo/www/CFIDE

    Note to Adobe: magic strings are lame.


  4. wow, thanks Doug! Good detective work. I’ve got to start using mIRC again.


  5. I like your comments posting ajax too. 🙂


  6. scdsdc


  7. sadfdsfadsf said:



  8. I’m having that problem, even though I went through the default installation. I didn’t move the CFIDE, it’s there under my webroot. But I can’t run the damn administrator. I just get a “Bad Request” 404 error.

    I’ve googled, and come up with nothing. Seems like no one else had an error with the regular default installation…


  9. Jim Pickering said:

    Thanks Doug. You saved me a ton of time figuring that one out!


  10. yeah same here still having the same pb, did anyone come across a solution,


  11. Changing the CFIDE path in the neo-runtime.xml file worked for me – definitely have to restart CF.



  12. I’ve installed CF8 on Mac running Leopard. I’ve already had to replace the file as described here:

    But now I’m getting what you’ve described and do not have a node for CFIDE in my neo-runtime.xml. I changed the default folder for CFIDE to be the /Users/me/Sites directory during installation

    Where else should I look to make sure this changed was set correctly? Where can I find these other mappings that Virgil talked about on August 9th?


  13. Like a few other comments here, the /CFIDE setting was mysteriously missing from my neo-runtime.xml file. I am trying to setup both CF8 and CFMX7 simulanteously, and wanted to have my path as …Apache/htdocs/cf8/CFIDE, and /cf7/CFIDE respectively, so that is where I initially copied CF8’s CFIDE directory. Then when I would browse to, I was getting the error that it couldn’t find The solution was I moved CFIDE up to the Apache root under htdocs, browsed to it, and the CF8 Admin screen now appeared. Then when I checked the neo-runtime.xml file again, it had been modified and the CFIDE line was there, cool! Now I modified the node to /cf8/CFIDE, and stopped cfusion in the JRun administrator. Then I moved the CFIDE directory back under “cf8”, and started cfusion in JRun admin again. I also restarted Apache. After all this, I was able to successfully browse to, and complete the CF8 installation! Ok, now on to CFMX7, wish me luck.


  14. I too am having this problem while installing CF 801. I have search adobe’s help and have not found anything to solve problem.

    None of the solutions presented here have allowed me to connect the CF administrator.

    I have CF 8 installed in multiserver mode (c:Jrun4) connected to apache 2.2.8 (WAMP Server).

    I know that CF 8 is indeed running as I am getting the CF exception when trying to browse to the administrator.

    Does anyone know WHERE in the neo-runtime.xml file the node should be added (I am not overly familiar with xml yet). Also, is the line c:InetpubCFIDE the entire code that should be added to it?

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  15. Randy Smith said:

    I was receiving the same error, but just on a general mapping. I mapped “/shared” to “d:usrcommon” but CF 8 said the CFC I had parked there didn’t exist. After going into the neo-runtime.xml file on my Windows 2003 server and adding the mapping there, and restarting CF8, only then did it find the CFC. Sounds like a bug to me. RLS


  16. I’m working on Mac OS 10.4, and had the same problem. I followed TroyP’s advice and moved the CFIDE folder to my web root: HD/Library/WebServer/Documents/. That did the trick. I could then log into the CF admin at this URL: http://localhost:80/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm


  17. griswoldo said:


    Just move your cfide directory to c:[wamp_path]www and then browse to http://localhost/cfide/administrator/index.cfm and the admin will pop right up. Login and let CF do it’s install thing. During this time, Coldfusion will automatically add the cfide node to the neo-runtime.xml file.


  18. Eric Fields said:

    I received the initial error and also did not have this listing in my neo-runtime.xml file.

    I am on Leopard and tried to place CFIDE in my ~/Sites folder. The easiest fix was just to move it to apache’s native document root, /Library/WebServer/Documents


  19. Ogla Sungutay said:

    In my case (Ubuntu) it was just the Apache directory mapping issue. One can try to do the following:

    Alias /CFIDE “/home/ogla/gui-rd/sites/cf/public/CFIDE”

    Options Indexes Includes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


  20. FYI your Image Component doesn’t work in ColdFusion 8.


  21. There is no CFIDE mapping in my neo-runtime.xml file, so I’m not sure why my installation is different. If I move my CFIDE folder to the default location, I get this error: “File not found: /CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm”. If I leave it alone, I get this error: “Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface”. So I guess the only thing left to do is uninstall, reinstall and pick the correct folder name during installation.


  22. I’m getting the same kind of crap, I’m trying to just do a basic install and nothing works, if the product doesn’t work straight out of an install then the documentation should say “This requires more configuration after installation”


  23. It worked for me, I moved the Apache folder to a different drive and only relised the problem 3 weeks later.


  24. PERFECT!

    I received the initial error and also did not have this listing in my neo-runtime.xml file.

    I am on Leopard and tried to place CFIDE in my ~/Sites folder. The easiest fix was just to move it to apache’s native document root, /Library/WebServer/Documents

    Posted By: Eric Fields on Jul 31, 2008


  25. Kevin Parker said:

    Thanks! You helped me track this down, which I think I dealt with a year ago but I’ve slept some since then. On a Mac installation of CF8 Standard, the file is in /Applications/ColdFusion8/lib


  26. It’s crap like this that has me converting all my CF apps to .NET.


  27. @TM – This post here is about two years old. I havn’t seem this issue again since. Yes, there have been issues with CF, but some of the newer features (Hibernate integration, sharepoint integration, .net integration, exchange integration, SMS, Event Gateways, etc) really make CF a no-brainer. CF Makes the even the hard stuff quite easy. If you haven’t looked at it in a while, it’s worth another look. CF has really come into a renaissance since Adobe bought Macromedia.


  28. This seems like the most comprehensive blog on this niche



  29. This seems like the most comprehensive blog on this niche



  30. Thank You!!!
    Mine was in C:ColdFusion8lib
    had to restart CF app service.


  31. OMG, thank you. this worked for me. I was racking my brain as to why it stopped working. somehow that did get changed to a different directory even though i installed it in the default directory.


  32. Same error message, but in CF9.
    I took a look in neo-runtime.xml, and find C:inetpubadminCFIDE, which is exactly what it ought to say.
    Apache has its alias set, too:
    Alias /CFIDE/ “C:/inetpub/adminCFIDE/CFIDE/”

    The left nav in CF administrator has this error message, the main screen looks fine, so there’s something odd going on. Any ideas?


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