The amazing adventures of Doug Hughes

Archive for January, 2009

ARGH COLDSPRING: "The FOO parameter to the init function is required but was not passed in."

OK, so this error isn’t really (in this case, anyway) ColdSpring’s fault… it was mine. And it didn’t take all that long to figure out, either. But, it was one of those situations where all the code was right, all the cfarguments were in the right place, and there was a tag in the CS config file for all my arguments. Everything was where it should be and there were no syntax errors or missing values or anything.

Yes, that’s right: A real hair-puller.

And then Cometh the Duh (aka Note To Self):

If you’re passing arguments to the init() method, you need to use constructor-arg tags, NOT PROPERTY TAGS!

Yeah, some days are like that. Yark.

My Interview With CFConversations

In late December last year I was offered the opportunity to be interviewed by Dan Wilson for CFConversations.  I really enjoyed the conversation and the opportunity to talk about topics that I find very interesting. For those of you who want to listen to the podcast you can go to–Doug-Hughes. Thanks to CFConversations for having me on!

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