The amazing adventures of Doug Hughes

Keep On Movin' On

On Monday April 18th I submitted my resignation to my current employer. My wife and I decided it was time to venture out into the vast and uncharted oceans of self employment.

This is not actually my first time being self employed. I’ve been in business with Alagad since 1996. Through out most of college I was self employed and did quite well for my self.

Upon graduating from college it seemed more economically beneficial to work for someone else and I took the first job I was offered. Since then, I’ve spent many years working for other people. Though I always yearned to again be self employed, my time as a traditional employee was incalculably valuable. I can not begin to summarize the lessons I’ve learned.

The wonderful thing about loving what you do is that work becomes more than just a job. For me it became a passion and (to the annoyance of my wife) a hobby. Because of this passion for what I do, I spent more than 6 years working early mornings, nights and weekends. I’ve always maintained at least a few side jobs though Alagad and spent time developing products such as the Alagad Image Component.

Over the past half year I’ve become increasingly disenchanted with my current employer. As I began exploring other employers I ran into a seemingly insurmountable problem: The companies I wanted to work for required me to sign over all intellectual property I conceived of or created while employed by them. In a nutshell, they wanted me to give up Alagad. There were three problems with this:

  1. My salary combined with my income from Alagad was a more than any of the employers wanted to pay. From my perspective, they wanted me to pay (in terms of lost income) for the privilege of working for them.
  2. Giving up Alagad would be like giving up my child. I don’t have the capability to do that at the moment.
  3. I believe that some of my ideas are worth millions, maybe more. I can’t simply give up all that value for a false sense of security.

So, after much deliberation and consideration, my wife and I agreed that it was time to step out on my own and take Alagad to the next level.

Over the next year I will be attempting to grow the contracting side of Alagad with contracts of all sizes. I will also develop additional products and services for a range of markets. Lastly, I may occasionally run on-site training for companies of all sizes.

If you or anyone you know are in need of some top notch (but affordable) contracting services please feel free to contact me.

Also, if you have any suggestions for products or services I would be very interested in hearing about them. If I take them to market I’ll provide it to you free of charge for life!

And so, here goes nothing

Comments on: "Keep On Movin' On" (11)

  1. Steven Erat said:

    Good luck to you Doug!

    Before working for Macromedia I had given a lot of thought of starting my own company and I bought all the "Run your own internet startup" books. In the end, I jumped at a chance to work for Allaire just at the point I was starting to realize how much I disliked all the potential paperwork involved in running an indie shop.

    If you’d like present ColdFusion topics or Alagad products to a distributed, virtual audience at the Online ColdFusion Meetup Group, please let me know and I’ll arrange the event(s).


  2. Doug Hughes said:


    Sure! I’d be quite glad to do that. Thanks!


  3. Scott Stroz said:

    Best of luck to you dude.

    I can honestly say that in a year of working with you, Monday was by far the happiest I have seen you.


  4. GO Doug GO! I know I will be chatting with you in the near future as we are taking on a ton of work here at South49….help!

    It was a lot of fun having you on the team at "unnamed company". I could say that you were one of my best employees, but then I would get a lot of "feedback" from the other ones who also read your blog… :O

    I know you will be extremely successful at your new venture and I know that we will both help each other’s company grow.

    Until we chat again (soon). Paul


  5. Andy Allan said:

    All the best with Alagad Doug … anyone that buys me beer has a customer for life!


  6. Christian Cantrell said:

    Best of luck, Doug. Let me know how it goes.



  7. Doug Hughes said:

    Thanks everyone! Words alone can’t express how excited I am by this!



  8. Brian Holder said:

    wow – excellent doug! i hope you remember me when alagad takes over the world 😉


  9. Doug Hughes said:

    I’m sorry…. Brian who? 😉

    You’ve got no worries about me forgetting you Brian. Mike F, on the other hand…


  10. Steven Erat said:

    Doug’s Maryland CFUG recorded, live presentation on Using Java with ColdFusion can be found here:

    Thanks Doug!


  11. Thanks D


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